Products   >   Bathtubs   >   Marble Care and Maintenance
Before using Urban Archaeology marble products, seal twice with a penetrating sealer.

After a marble bath tub is sealed, but before using body oils in bath water, test the oils on a small, unseen area of the tub to determine if the oil stains. Reseal the tub periodically.

Don’t use ammonia, vinegar, orange or lemon for cleaning. These cleaning agents are acidic. They can cause corrosive etching on your marble. Avoid using abrasives that can dull and scratch the surface.

For daily cleaning, use hot water with a sponge and dry with a soft cloth. To avoid scratching the marble, don’t scrub. Run a damp sponge or cloth gently over the surface while making a circular motion in any spots that might need extra pressure.

To prevent stain and scum build-up, don’t leave pools of water or any layers of moisture to dry on the marble. Always dry the surface after cleaning. Once a week use a product specifically formulated for cleaning marble such as ones offered by the brands Miracle, Marble Life, SCI, and Stone Tech.